Dental Exam
James K Potts DDS PC
Cosmetic and Family
                                      Dental Care
Preventive Dentistry is the most important
 service we offer. A thorough examination is
 the place to start for a healthy mouth and
body. Checking teeth for decay is just part of
 a thorough exam.  Many other health and
dental problems can be detected with regular
 exams. The time to correct these problems is
before they cause discomfort. The mouth is the
 gateway to the body. Research has shown that
 good oral health may prevent many health
 problems. The American Dental Association
recommends a dental exam every six months.
It is Important to see your dentist on a regular basis. Potential problems are identified early. Small problems are corrected early avoiding extensive treatment.
Periodontal Exam- The health of the gums and bone support for teeth                               - Recession of the gums                               - Bleeding gums                               - Tooth mobility                               - Bad Breath   Teeth examination-Evidence of tooth decay                               -Cracked or Broken teeth                               -Check for damaged Filling, Crowns and Bridges                               -Review fit and condition of Removable Prosthesis Orthodontic Exam-Need for Straighter teeth                                -Straight teeth perform better, wear down less,                                 are easier to maintain  and promotes healthier gums Aesthetic Evaluation-Rate the appearance of the smile                                   -Are teeth dark, crooked, open spaces, too short,                                     chipped, or worn down                                  -Explore options to improve the smile Oral Cancer Exam-Check the face, neck, palate,throat,lips ,tongue and                                 tissue for any lumps or irregular tissue changes.                                - Risk factors are smoking, tobacco, excessive alcohol,                                    sun exposure or family history TMJ Screening      -Check for Symptoms of the Temporomandibular Joint                                and muscles of the jaw. A comprehensive  Dental exam consists of the following: Home Home Home Care Home Care Home Care Products Home Care Products Importance of a Smile Importance of a Smile Dental Exam Dental Exam Contact Us Contact Us
Dental Exam Dental Exam